This page is probably long overdue.
I remember when I first started taking photos for people. There was a rush of adrenaline. My sophomore year of high school I had sold my first few prints. It was one of the most exciting moments of my life. “People want to buy my work? What!” It was very humbling. I had no training in photography. After many years and many seasons of fumbling around the camera, I know I love photographing stories.
As I transitioned into college I continued my passion for photography. I started photographing for companies and picked up more opportunities to photograph for people. Again I was shocked that people wanted to hire me. Alas, I came and I worked. Over the years I’ve had great photography teachers that have encouraged and challenged me. It were their challenges that benefited me the most. I don’t settle for the status quo; I don’t like following trends of photography. I always try to be original in my style. Thankfully, even if my photography teachers didn’t always like my style, they appreciated my willingness to be uncomfortable.
Without marketing myself as a photographer I have been blessed to work with amazing organizations, churches, events, and people. I love what I do because I get to meet wonderful people and capture their stories - through my lens.
Will you join me on this adventure?